NMI Merchant Gateway: The Future of Payment Processing
The NMI Merchant Gateway API is a service that allows developers to integrate NMI with their own software applications. This can be useful for creating apps or other products that streamline the online payment process and make it easier for your customers to buy from you using NMI's technology. An API security key plays an important role in keeping your information safe: it protects access to sensitive data like credit card numbers, addresses, and names by requiring users who want to access them through the API to identify themselves first with a unique password—this is called two-factor authentication (2FA). Let's take a look at how you can set up your own API security key so you can start using Mollie!
Using your merchant account, log in to NMI Merchant Gateway.
- Log in to your merchant account.
- Click on API Settings.
- Click Generate New Key.
- Type a name for the key, then click Generate. The key will appear underneath Generated Keys.
Click on "API Settings" on the top menu bar.
To create your API security keys, click on the "API Settings" link in the top menu bar. You will see a list of options and select "API Security Keys."
In the "API Security Keys" section under Key Type, click on "Generate New Key".
In the "API Security Keys" section under Key Type, click on "Generate New Key". You will be prompted to enter a name for this key. This name will be used to identify your merchant gateway in all future requests made with this key.
You can now use this newly generated API key as part of Mollie's API documentation and examples by replacing with your own unique merchant gateway token.
Name your key and then click "Generate". The key will appear under Generated Keys.
Name your key and then click "Generate". The key will appear under Generated Keys.
Key names are case sensitive, so be sure to use the same capitalization as shown in this example: "MYKEY".
Key names must be alphanumeric, with no spaces or special characters such as @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + = ~ ! @#$%^&*()_+=~!
Keys can only be up to 64 characters long; any longer and they'll be truncated by our system before being sent to you via email!
Also note that if you choose an invalid character (such as an asterisk) then we will replace it with a period (.). If this happens please contact us so we can fix things up for you :)
Now that you have created an API security key, you need to make sure that it's enabled for use with Mollie. To do this, go back to NMI Merchant Gateway and click on "Mollie" from the left-hand menu bar.
Now that you have created an API security key, you need to make sure that it's enabled for use with Mollie. To do this, go back to NMI Merchant Gateway and click on "Mollie" from the left-hand menu bar. From there select Allowed Flows and copy down the following information:
Number of flows allowed per month (1 is included). Each additional flow costs $10/month.
Once there, you should see a tab called "Allowed Flows". On this page you will see a section called "API Access". Click on this tab and copy down the following information:
The number of flows allowed per month (1 is included). This represents how many transactions can be made per month through the API without exceeding your monthly allocated transaction allowance.
Each additional flow costs $10/month, so if you need more than one additional flow, it will cost $20/month total.
This information is very important to keep track of and understand as you set up your account with NMI Merchant Gateway so that you do not exceed any limits or incur any fees from them!
Number of flows allowed per month (1 is included). Each additional flow costs $10/month.
You have 1 flow included. Each additional flow costs $10/month.
You can have a maximum of 10 flows per month, so if you add 5 more flows, your total will be 15. If you exceed this limit, we will ask that all unneeded merchant gateways be deleted before adding any new ones or having us re-enable them for use by your account representative.
The maximum number of transactions you can make per month through the API is 1000 flows. This number represents how many transactions can be made per month through the API without exceeding your monthly allocated transaction allowance. If this happens, any further transactions made via the API will be blocked until you purchase more flows at a cost of $10/month each up to a maximum limit of 100 flows per month (total cost of $100/month).
In conclusion, we hope that this article has helped you understand how to create and configure your NMI Merchant Gateway API security keys. This is a crucial step in making sure that your Mollie account is properly protected against fraud and other types of abuse.
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